Register your child for funtime online today!

Please note that each child will require an individual form to be submitted even if the details are the same.
A new form will need to be completed for each holiday they visit in order to keep our records up to date.

    Your Details

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number (required)

    Your Relationship to the child

    Parent/Guardian 2

    Parent/Guardian 2 Name (required)

    Parent/Guardian 2 Email (required)

    Parent/Guardian 2 Phone Number (required)

    Their relationship to the child

    Emergency Contact

    Emergency Contact Name (required)

    Emergency Contact Phone Number (required)

    Relationship to the child

    If other please specify

    About the child

    Childs Full Name (required)

    Childs Age - Ages 4-16 Years Old Only (required)

    Childs Date of Birth (required)

    This should be in DD/MM/YYYY format

    Child's full current home address (inc. postcode)

    Any Allergies?

    Any disabilities?

    GP's Name (Required)

    GP's Phone Number (required)

    Religion of child

    Ethnic origin of child

    Declaration, security and your comments

    Please choose a 'password' that one of the named people above should use when collecting your child - if this is to be another person other than who is named above then please contact us on the day to let us know

    A Password will also be needed when dealing with enquires or instructions over the phone in relation to your child
    Please enter your choice of password and memorise it.
    Please also remember to pass on this password to anybody who may be collecting the child

    We now require you to have a secret question for added security in case you forget your password. Please select a question below and enter the answer in the box below the options.

    By submitting the registration form you agree to the following:

    I agree that information regarding my child can be passed on to members of staff if needs be

    I agree to authorise the Leisure Centre staff to administer such medical treatment for my child as is deemed necessary in an emergency on the advice of a qualified practitioner, with any minor accidents being dealt with by a qualified First Aider.

    I agree that the leisure centre can take photos of my children and use them for advertising purposes around the centre

    I understand that whilst every care will be taken to ensure my child’s safety, I will not hold the Leisure Centre responsible for any injury to my child whilst participating in any activity.

    The Leisure Centre will not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to any personal items such as electrical items.
    We therefore advise parents to discourage their children from bringing them in.

    Please tick this box to agree with the above comments, this tick box acts as your signature

    Please feel free to add any comments/messages to the child's registration form

    By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.
    More information can be found in our Privacy Policy
    I agree and allow you to use the data entered to reply to me and identify my child if required


    Signing In and Signing Out Policy/Agreement

    Arrivals and Departures

    The times when children arrive and leave Lordswood Leisure Centre are often those during which accidents
    are most likely to occur. This is because there are frequently many other people on the premises, such as
    parents and carers collecting or delivering children.
    Points of access and departure can be hazardous for many reasons. These include passing traffic, the car
    park, people, buggies, open spaces, etc.


    Your child’s safety is of paramount importance to us, and therefore, all parents and carers must adhere to
    the following rules set by Lordswood Leisure Centre.

    1. Every child must be signed in with the responsible parent or carer present.

    2. Children must be collected by one of the named persons according to our admissions procedure.

    Failure to comply with part 1 of this policy will result in your child not being admitted to our setting.

    Failure to comply with part 2 of this policy will result in your child not being allowed to leave the premises.

    We endeavour to maintain our high standard of childcare and in doing so your child’s safety is of great importance to us.

    Form completetion

    By completing the form I agree to the above statements and will abide by the rules set by Lordswood Leisure Centre.

    The agreed persons that are available to collect or deliver are listed on the form you submit.